Crate Gallery presents an art exhibition ‘Meme’ by @struthless69
on Wed 24 October 2018
Campbell Walker (Struthless) is an Australian artist and satirist.
He started drawing because he hated his job and found an outlet in illustrating his soulless coworkers. Fittingly, he built a career off it.
He’s since illustrated for Splendour In The Grass, Vice, Pedestrian TV, Comedy Central, and Gypsy Land.
His work takes shape in cartoons, murals, tattoos, animations, videos, and a line of bumbags made by his partner Felicity Handley. His style is influenced heavily by Robert Crumb, Reg Mombassa, and stimulants.
Méme, as a series, focuses on millennials. Topics include fashion, fad diets, class angst, the internet, influencers, self improvement, and drugs. This exhibition aims to give people a blunt lense to view themselves and the world around them. From this, the artist hopes that the viewers are not divided by sadness or self consciousness, but united by their cynicism and imperfections.